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Find Out How Screenmend Reached a Net Worth of Millions!

Find Out How Screenmend Reached a Net Worth of Millions!

Designed and created by the Hooks Family, Screenmend is a user-friendly repair kit that repairs damaged door and window screens. Years ago, the Hooks appeared on the reality television show Shark Tank with the hopes of raising capital. 

Apart from Screenmend’s net worth, this post will tell you how the company and its product came into being. Likewise, you’ll find out what happened to Screenmend after its Shark Tank appearance. 

Screenmend’s 2022 Net Worth 

As of 2022, Screenmend has had a net worth of more than $5 million. 

The product has gained popularity over the years. It’s received numerous positive reviews online, which has attracted more new consumers to try out the product. 

About Screenmend: A Brief History 

Plato once said that “our need will be the real creator.”  

That adage certainly holds true for Screenmend. The idea took off when one of its founders, Brian Hooks, was having trouble fixing a tear in his screened porch. It turned out that the store-bought repair kit he purchased wasn’t adhesive enough to cover the hole. 

While Hooks was trying to figure out how to get the screen repaired, his nine-year-old daughter Lily Hooks was busily scuffing some candle wax. 

That’s when he had an ‘ah-ha’ moment. Lily told her dad to try putting candle wax on the screen to fix the hole. 

Out of frustration, Brian decided to give it a shot. He placed the wax and melted it using a hairdryer. After a while, when the wax had cooled down and hardened, the hole in the screen was completely covered. 

That incident gave birth to Screenmend. From then on, the Hooks family started producing and selling their products. 

About Screenmend as a Product 

Screenmend allows you to repair tears and holes in window screens, tents, screen doors, and more.  

What makes it different from other repair kits is that it stays securely in place. Plus, it’s pretty quick to install. In fact, an average-sized repair can take less than a minute to fix. 

To use Screenmend, cut the strip according to the size you need, then remove its paper backing. Place the adhesive side against the damaged area and use the heat from a hairdryer to enforce the adhesive. 

Screenmend Appears On Shark Tank 

On the 11th of October 2013, Screenmend appeared on Shark Tank, which is an entrepreneurial-themed TV reality show. 

As one of the hopefuls, the Hooks asked investors for $30,000 in exchange for 25% of the company. After a bit of deliberation, the family got the requested capital from Lori Greiner in exchange for 50% of Screenmend. 

Screenmend After Shark Tank 

Screenmend significantly grew after its TV appearance. 

Reports say that the company sold at least one unit per minute for one week after the episode aired. Spark Innovations later acquired Screenmend and earned $18 million in retail sales for the next few years. 

Apart from Shark Tank and the acquisition, Screenmend’s inclusion in QVC, a home shopping television network, continues to help drive up sales. 

Quick Facts About Screenmend 

Here are some quick facts about Screenmend: 

  • Screenmend’s headquarters is located in Orem, Utah, United States. 
  • The company produced its first units in Hooks’ garage.  
  • Screenmend appeared on Shark Tank’s fifth season, along with other hopefuls like Scan, Hamboards, and Sunday Night Slow Jams. 
  • They quickly sold out on QVC’s 606th episode. 
  • Co-founder Lily Hooks graduated from the University of Alabama, while Emma Hooks is pursuing an acting career. 


Screenmend shows that creativity and ingenuity know no age. We saw how a nine-year-old girl found a way to solve her father’s problem. Her solution was instrumental in helping her father design an ingenious product that soon became a household staple. 

We also saw how significant media exposure can be in helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses. The Hooks’ appearance in Shark Tank helped increase people’s awareness of the product, which helped raise revenue and boost sales.